Safe and Effective Detox Customized to Your Individual Needs

Restore yourself to health.

Wish Recovery's luxurious recovery facility offers top-of-the-line, luxury detox and addiction treatment for those who want to recover from drugs and alcohol. We believe that everyone has their journey to make and their path to take. Our experienced, compassionate staff will be with you every step of the way, and with our boutique concierge service, we'll take the best possible care of you during your stay. You'll be restored to optimal health, so you can begin rehabilitation feeling fresh. 


Pull through withdrawal.

Choosing to detox with a luxury detox can reduce uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms that would otherwise be unavoidable. Our luxury detox allows you to recover from addiction in a safe and comfortable setting, regardless of whether you have an alcohol, prescription drug, or illicit substance use disorder.

Our medical staff will help you detox safely, so you're protected from withdrawal dangers and can recover confidently. 


Get back to life. Heal the addiction and make your life better.

At Wish Recovery, our mission is to provide a safe and medically supervised environment to help patients with alcohol and drug addiction withdrawal symptoms. We pride ourselves in helping patients overcome their addictions and return to a wholesome, fulfilling lifestyle full of newfound joy and peace. We have luxurious amenities that make your time in recovery a comfortable and stress-free process. We are more than a treatment center; we are an experience.


You’re in good hands. Get started with a healthier you today.

At our luxury detox facility, you will experience world-class health and wellness services around-the-clock from our highly trained staff of medical professionals and withdrawal management specialists. We will customize every aspect of your treatment to cater to your unique needs in a serene and restful environment.


We ensure your safety and tender care. 

Detoxification is merely one part of the rehabilitation experience. Withdrawing from drugs can be challenging for both the mind and body, but we're here to help you thru each stage of your journey. This luxury detox experience will alleviate many of the discomforts of withdrawal while our skilled medical staff attends to your physical health and well-being. 


Don’t give up. You deserve the best.


Speak to one of our admissions specialists today or click below to learn more about our detox programs.


Get a Consultation Right Now! Call: 747-463-1041

We are a group of professional and experienced psychologists and psychiatrists