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When people are focused on fueling their addiction, they are less likely to care for themselves. As a result, people who suffer from alcohol or substance use disorders are more likely to be obese or have high blood pressure, among other conditions. But a person can reverse some of the negative consequences of drinking and drug misuse with physical fitness.


At Wish Recovery, we believe fitness and wellness programs can play an integral part in recovery. We focus on creating fitness programs specifically based on your goals and needs. Our goal is to help you build confidence, strength, and mind-body balance, so you're well on your way to being the best version of yourself. 


Understanding How Fitness Fits into Recovery

You may enhance your mental and physical well-being by participating in a fitness therapy program. Fitness therapy emphasizes physical activity for addiction treatment, unlike other holistic therapies. Physical and psychological conditioning are used in fitness therapy to help clients connect with their bodies and utilize the strategies from individual treatment. One-on-one or group sessions of exercise therapy are available.


In addition to its physical benefits, exercise can relieve stress and provide an outlet for anxiety. As a result, you will be better able to concentrate on your rehabilitation.


Recovery Is An Acceptance That Your Life Is In Shambles And You Have To Change.


From aerobics and yoga to riding a stationary bicycle, playing golf, and swimming, there are many different types of fitness activities you can engage in each day. At least four times every week, you should engage in at least 30 minutes of physical exercise to reap the benefits. However, any amount of physical activity can reduce stress to some degree.  


As part of a holistic approach to rehabilitation, physical activity may help patients remain present and cultivate a greater sense of self-awareness. When behavioral therapy or other talk therapy is used in conjunction, patients may benefit from holistic healing with fitness.


What Happens During Exercise?

Drugs that mimic the chemical composition of natural neurotransmitters may stimulate neurons. Drugs, for example, may produce two to 10 times more dopamine than natural rewards. Even after a medically supervised detox, the brain chemistry of a person with an alcohol or substance use disorder may take months or even years to stabilize. The use of fitness therapy in the treatment of addiction may be beneficial. Activation in the brain's basal ganglia, prefrontal cortex, and amygdala, which are linked to positive motivation, planning, and self-control, may be seen in physical activity.


Want to learn more about fitness and exercise? Call us now!


Benefits of Fitness in Recovery 

Although having specific fitness goals is beneficial, getting in shape while in rehab is not the principal goal of exercising during your time here. A fitness program aims to help you overcome your addictions by empowering you with a new tool to stay connected and listen to your body and emotions.


By exercising while in rehab, you're starting a habit, you can take with you outside the facility to make more healthy changes in your life. At Wish Recovery, we think that the more constructive improvements you make, the more likely you will successfully maintain your sobriety long-term.


Elevating Your Mood

Endorphins are released in the brain when a person exercises. Drugs and alcohol trigger the brain's reward response, boosting general mood. Some individuals get a natural feeling of euphoria from working out. Mood improvement is a primary goal for those who are battling an addiction.


Pain Management

Pain management is a challenge for many people recovering from substance use. According to research, physical exercise has been shown to alleviate pain in some parts of the body and helps a person avoid stiff joints. Getting started might be painful initially, but the discomfort diminishes with time as you exercise regularly.


Relapse Prevention

Regular exercise gives you structure and boosts your mood and energy levels. In addition, it increases your ability to fight off cravings for substances when they come. You may improve your self-esteem and self-confidence by focusing on your physical and mental health. Serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins are released and produced when you exercise, which may help you transition to a life free of drugs and alcohol. 


Compliment Your Treatment 

At Wish Recovery, we treat the mind and body and teach our patients to recognize interconnectedness. Physical activity is only one part of recovery but is necessary to attain complete wellness. You will work closely with your multidisciplinary team to assess your fitness level and determine if fitness therapy should be included in your integrative addiction treatment plan. We'll combine fitness to complement other therapies and activities appropriate for your health, capabilities, and interests.


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