

In psychotherapy, patients can learn the many layers of how their addiction developed, making it more likely for life-changing treatment and recovery. While some people believe that addiction is a simple issue, we here at Wish Recovery understand that there are numerous reasons you might be engaging in behaviors such as substance abuse or high-risk drinking. We will help you explore those factors to understand yourself and your addiction better and find out what works best for your situation.


During your therapy, you can also work towards forgiveness, understanding, and resolving any past traumas or adverse events that have contributed to your condition. By exploring these issues, you can find a new sense of self and confidence, making it easier to stop using substances or engaging in other problematic activities.


How Psychotherapy Works

Psychologists utilize psychotherapy to enhance people of all ages' health, happiness, and productivity. Therapists rely on tried-and-true methods to help patients improve their mental and physical health. Cognitive-behavioral, interpersonal, and other therapeutic techniques can help people overcome their problems.


The type of therapy you receive will depend upon several variables, including the orientation of your psychologist. What happens in your sessions is influenced by their theoretical framework. Cognitive-behavioral therapists, for example, take a pragmatic approach to treatment. Techniques such as psychoanalysis and humanism emphasize verbal exchanges more than action.


Treatment in psychotherapy relies heavily on the patient-therapist interaction. Having someone objective, unbiased, and nonjudgmental to openly discuss your thoughts and feelings promotes a helpful atmosphere. You and your psychologist will work together to identify the thought and behavior patterns contributing to your symptoms.


As part of your therapy, your therapist may evaluate you. When determining a person's mental health, only a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist can conduct and interpret the tests used to do so. With your therapist's help, you may continue discussing your concerns. Some people find solace in sharing their ideas and feelings regarding a subject. 


New insights into yourself will emerge as you move through the challenges that prompted your mental health therapy. Cognitive and behavioral treatments in psychotherapy might have a long-lasting effect that reduces the risk of relapse.


Need more information about psychotherapy? Contact us today!


Benefits of Psychotherapy

Many of those who engage in psychotherapy report positive outcomes. People in recovery who get therapy reap many of its advantages, including the following:


Helps repair damaged relationships.

Relationships with family and friends may be strained or even toxic for those who suffer from alcoholism or substance use disorders. Addiction therapy may aid in the process of repairing and correcting these connections. People might evaluate their roles in the dissolution of their relationships through psychotherapy. As a result of realizing their mistakes, many individuals try to make apologies and alter their behavior in the future.


Increases self-awareness and understanding of addiction.

One of the significant benefits of talk therapy for those with alcohol or drug issues is improved self-awareness. Many individuals who misuse drugs or alcohol tend to resort to these substances to cope with undesirable or uncomfortable feelings, although not everyone is aware. Addiction treatment is possible through psychotherapy, which helps you explore the connection between substance misuse and your psychological well-being.


Improved emotion regulation.

Only through learning how to control and manage one's emotions can a person with an alcohol or substance abuse issue achieve long-term sobriety. Emotional control, awareness, and expression typically increase with several types of psychotherapy. Patient relapse is less frequent when they have better emotional regulation and comprehension of why they feel the way they do.


Discover all the different types of therapy we have available.
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Recovery One Conversation and One Step at a Time

With the support of our highly-trained psychotherapists at Wish Recovery, you will be able to identify and address the root causes of your addiction and establish new ways of thinking about yourself and the road that will take your life in a healthier direction. In addition to group sessions, you'll have three weekly sessions with a therapist one-on-one at the most comfortable pace. 


The key to addiction recovery lies in establishing self-awareness to break habits that might have you stuck by digging deep to the root so you're prepared for the road ahead. Psychotherapy provides this insight and will give you the confidence to face fears and difficult emotions. Knowing that you don’t have to face your problems alone is essential. When you are open to dialogue with a therapist at Wish Recovery, they can help you discover what’s holding you back and how to move forward.

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