Wish Recovery’s Blog Monthly Archives

January 2022

The Differences Between Drug Addiction and Obsession

Most people think of substance use as things like alcohol and drugs when it comes to addictions. When it comes to compulsions and obsessive behaviors, the first things that come to mind are gambling, hoarding and eating disorders.

ADHD and Substance Use Disorder: The Connection, The Challenges and the Solutions

Adult attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has a 3-4% prevalence in the general population. The condition often coexists with other clinical disorders. These other disturbances could include issues with anxiety, sleep, moods, personality, drugs or alcohol. Within the last decade, many researchers have examined the co-occurrence of ADHD and substance use problems. As with ADHD, substance use disorders (SUDs) have significant social, psychological and economic implications, making their proper treatment critical to a person’s ability to live a sustainable life. Adults with ADHD often have substance use disorders that involve nicotine, alcohol, cannabis and cocaine, to name a few.

Recovery Types: The Differences Between Passive and Active Recovery

An essential thing to remember about recovery is that it is a process. There are two ways to recover from alcohol use and substance use disorders: passively and actively. Passive recovery involves abstinence from drugs or alcohol without treatment. In contrast, active recovery requires both abstinence and professional care. Between the passive and active ends of the recovery spectrum, exists variations in degree and many combinations of both extremes—depending on the individual in recovery. The choice between these two methods usually depends on the severity of the condition and the support system in place.

New Year Resolutions to Quit Drugs or Alcohol Aren’t Ideal

We all have different ideas about making resolutions at the start of the year. One of the most common resolutions, other than losing weight, is to quit smoking, drinking alcohol, or doing drugs. These are noble goals that can be hard to stay motivated to achieve without help.

Quitting drugs can be a complex process because the initial withdrawal symptoms may seem impossible without help from family members and friends or residential detox. Relapse could turn your resolution into remorse or regret. But there are different approaches you can take to make a lifestyle change to sober living.

Does Marijuana Increase Sensuality and Lead to More Stimulating Sex?

Cannabis has long been used in traditional medicine as a sexual stimulant. The National Commission on Marijuana and Drugs found that 44% of marijuana users felt marijuana significantly increased their sexual drive. More than two-thirds of the marijuana users, men and women, said it increased sexual desire. Many of them smoked only about one joint per week.