New Year Resolutions to Quit Drugs or Alcohol Aren’t Ideal

New Year Resolutions to Quit Drugs or Alcohol Aren’t Ideal

We all have different ideas about making resolutions at the start of the year. One of the most common resolutions, other than losing weight, is to quit smoking, drinking alcohol, or doing drugs. These are noble goals that can be hard to stay motivated to achieve without help.

Quitting drugs can be a complex process because the initial withdrawal symptoms may seem impossible without help from family members and friends or residential detox. Relapse could turn your resolution into remorse or regret. But there are different approaches you can take to make a lifestyle change to sober living.

Is It a Good Idea to Make Becoming Sober a Resolution?

Resolving to become sober may seem like the best path to follow, but it can be hard to keep. Many people try to quit drinking alcohol only to fail and give up trying.

Some people in recovery see relapse as a failure and use it as an excuse to continue using drugs. It then makes it challenging to have a clean and sober lifestyle. They may try again next year.

Many people struggle with alcohol or drug abuse and are looking for ways to improve their lives. They make a New Year’s resolution to quit their habit to achieve their goal. But are they expecting too much of themselves?

If you are completely addicted to drugs or alcohol, it’s good to resolve to become sober. It is a way to focus your efforts on a specific goal. But if you have been dealing with substance use disorders for a long time, you may be giving yourself too much credit by believing that you can quit right away.

Looking at it this way, not all New Year's resolutions are bad. They serve as a reminder of your goals that might have gotten lost in the daily grind.

Why "Intentions" are Better Than Resolutions in the New Year

When you are thinking about quitting drugs or alcohol, you might want to consider making "intentions" instead of resolutions. They are both positive words with different meanings. A resolution is a firm decision to do something. An intention is a plan to do something.

If you are making a resolution to quit smoking, drinking, or doing drugs, you are aware that this is something you are going to do. If you declare an intention to quit smoking, drinking, or doing drugs, you are aware that this is something you are going to do, but you also know that it might take a little effort.

When you think about your intentions, you will know that you have to make the right choices every day to overcome any obstacles that come your way.

It’s customary to make a resolution at the start of a new year. Although it seems like an excellent inspirational idea, many people find it hard to keep their promises. This is because many people have a bad habit of making promises and commitments without knowing how to fulfill them.

People often feel overwhelmed by the enormity of specific tasks when they think of all that is involved. The ideas and beliefs typically surrounding the notion of a resolution eventually lead to all sorts of doubts, fears, unrealistic expectations, laziness and feelings of inadequacy.

This is why you want to make your goals measurable and straightforward by focusing on your intentions. In drug recovery, it isn’t about condemning yourself or making yourself feel guilty for going into relapse, having cravings, or entertaining thoughts about using again after you said you were going to stop.

When you set intentions, you are more likely to show self-compassion if you fall short of trying to reach your goal.

Starting the Sobriety Clock Leading to Your Sobriety Anniversary

Every day is a chance to be born again into new opportunities, new hopes, and new life. Recovery from drug and alcohol addiction is a long process, but it is not impossible. If you want to quit, you can do it with the help of others.

If you want to quit, you can do it with the help of others and sincere intentions. There are many different ways you can go about quitting, but the most important thing is to do what works for you. Having a plan for your recovery is crucial to your success in sober living.

Your first day of sobriety starts the countdown to your first sobriety anniversary. Still, you want to stay present. As joyous as it will be to celebrate a year without drugs or alcohol, your focus needs to remain on what you’re doing to stay sober today.

You can hit the pause and reset buttons on the sobriety clock as many times as you have to. Your sobriety anniversary can be day to day or month to month. It’s a day you celebrate over and over again, whether annually or daily.

The longer you stay sober, the easier it will be to remain sober. Even if you have a relapse, do not get swallowed up in defeat. Just pause, reset the sobriety counter, and consider it a lesson learned.

Next time, you will know what not to do and understand your triggers better. When you intend to stay sober, you will continue to make choices that support and fulfill that intention.

If you need help getting started on your journey to a sober lifestyle, contact Wish Recovery to speak with a treatment specialist. This call is free, confidential and could be life-changing.

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