The Deadly Truth About Drinking and Driving

Many people believe that it’s OK to drink and drive because they are responsible people. But the truth is, getting behind the wheel after drinking alcohol can have devastating consequences for those around you, as well as yourself. Drinking and driving can have severe impacts on not just your safety but also others—from minor injuries to severe injuries to fines to jail time to death. Too many people believe in the fallacy of immunity that it can’t happen to them. Even if you’ve never had an accident because of drunken driving, it doesn’t mean that you aren’t responsible for other people’s lives when you drink and drive.

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DUI Versus DWI: What Is the Difference?

“Driving under the influence” is referred to as DUI. DWI is referred to as “driving while impaired” or, in certain jurisdictions, “driving while intoxicated.” Depending on the state you’re in, the words may have multiple definitions or relate to the same offense.
If a driver is charged with DUI or DWI, it means that they have committed a severe violation that puts themselves and others at risk. This law regulates alcohol and other substances (including those prescribed by a physician and recreational drugs) that impair your ability to drive. Both may have a significant impact on your life, yet none is superior to the other.
Over 30 years of scientific research has resulted in the current national blood alcohol concentration level of 0.08 in the United States. The country has come a long way since the 0.15 level was first commonly used in 1938.

The study of how alcohol damages a person’s driving ability has advanced throughout time. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), despite their apparent distinctions, virtually all drivers are inebriated when their blood alcohol content is 0.08 or above.
Even experienced drivers are affected by 0.08 blood alcohol concentration on essential driving tasks such as braking, steering, changing lanes, judgment and divided attention.

Statistics about Drunken Driving Deaths

The statistics about drunken driving deaths highlight the seriousness of this dangerous behavior. Drunken driving accounts for 28% of all traffic-related deaths in the U.S. In a recent year, over 230 children were killed in drunk-driving crashes.
Each day, approximately 28 people are killed in the United States in drunk-driving accidents. That’s one person every 52 minutes, according to the NHTSA.
There were 10,142 alcohol-impaired driving deaths in 2019, which made up 28% of overall driving fatalities. During the period from 2010 to 2019, there were over 10,000 drunken driving-related fatalities each year. Drunk driving is still one of the leading killers in the U.S.

Alcohol Rehab Can Help You Stay Alive and Out of Trouble

Recovering from an alcohol problem can be difficult. There are several treatment options available. One of the first steps you can take is going into a residential alcohol rehab program where you can learn how to live without alcohol and develop the tools and skills you need to stay sober. An alcohol rehab program can offer many services tailored to your individual needs, like behavioral therapy, education about alcohol abuse and support group participation.
It takes courage and strength to reach out for help when times get tough, but once you make that first step toward sobriety, everything else will fall into place more easily than ever before.

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